Clock And Track
The latest version of Clock and Track now has limited support
for different currencies and formatting of currency amounts.
- What's New What's #%#! - June 27, 2003 [read] .
- 1.1.3 Release Notes - July 24, 2003 [read] .
- What's New What's #%#! - July 25th, 2003 [read] .
- replaces 1.1.3 Notice- July 26th, 2003 [read] .
- replaces Notice- August 24th, 2003 [read] .
- 1.2.0 Release Notes. New Year's release December 31st, 2004! Only install on Panther. [read] .
To download ClockAndTrack for evaluation or purchase goto the download page.
Licenses for Clock and Track can be purchased online at
Clock and Track Sales.